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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

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Curriculum Choices 2024

We are pleased to confirm some important dates for your diary regarding the GCSE option process.  As you are aware, GCSE options are due to take place this year. We hope that your child has enjoyed their courses in Year 9.

Key Dates

  • Friday 26 January 2024 Options online forms system open for choices to be made
  • Thursday 1 February 2024 Progress Review Evening via the Parent Cloud system
  • Thursday 8 February 2024 Deadline for all options choices to be completed online

Summary of Key Points for 2024 - 2026 Choices


  • You are expected to continue with your Humanities and a Language choice
  • If you have not studied French or Spanish in Year 9, it is not permitted to start a new language in Year 10
  • We will review the current progress of all literacy students and offer guidance on the best options going forward. A further letter will be sent to parents of these students separately
  • RE GCSE is available as an option choice and examined in Year 11 along with all other subjects
  • Triple Science is available as an option and will not be studied as part of the core curriculum. All students will complete Combined Science (two GCSEs). The additional content that allows students to sit separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics will be covered in the option class. This course will be studied at higher level only and will provide our high attaining science students with the opportunity to develop their scientific understanding 

Religious Studies

We believe in the importance of the study of Religious Education for all students’ understanding of the world’s philosophy, beliefs, and cultures. To support all students, there will be a core component of Religious Education comprising one lesson per fortnight and complementing the Life Skills and Citizenship (LSC) curriculum.


Parent Presentation

option presentation parents 2024 2026.pdf


Curriculum Choices Booklet

curriculumchoices 2024.pdf