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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

 Whole School Bulletin

For the most up-to-date news and information like us on Facebook and follow us on X (Twitter): @oxtedschool
If you have updated your email address recently please contact Claire Kent, Communications Officer

 When sending an email to a member of staff, please copy Claire Kent, Communications Officer: 

Flex Week - w/c 15 July (Week Two)

Monday 15 July

Tuesday 16 July

Wednesday 17 July

Thursday 18 July

Adventure Island
Meet: Outside G1 8.40am

Return 7pm
Notes: Lunch provided

Adventure Island
Meet: Outside G1 8.40am

Return: 7pm
Notes: Lunch provided

Adventure Island
Meet: Outside G1 8.40am

Return: 7pm
Notes: Lunch provided

Adventure Island
Meet: Outside G1 8.40am

Return: 7pm
Notes: Lunch provided

Meet: Outside Tech 8.45am

Return: by 3.15pm
Notes: £1 fee to enter pier if required, lunch needed

Go Ape AM Session
Meet: Minibus 8.40am

Return: 1pm
Notes: Wear suitable footwear, lunch needed

Meet: Outside Tech 8.45am

Return: by 3.15pm
Notes: £1 fee to enter pier if required

Flip Out
Meet Science Decking 8.45am

Return: by 3.15pm
Notes: Spending the afternoon at Master Park
(weather permitting)

Flip Out
Meet: Science Decking 8.45am

Return: by 3.15pm
Notes: Spending the afternoon at Master Park (weather permitting),
lunch needed

Meet: Outside Main Hall 9am

Return: 12.50pm
Notes: Towel needed

Go Ape AM Session
Meet: Minibus 8.40am

Return: 1pm
Notes: Wear suitable footwear, lunch needed

Colchester Zoo
Meet: KS3 8.40am

Return: 5pm
Notes: Lunch needed

Go Ape AM Session
Meet: Minibus 8.40am

Return: 1pm
Notes: Wear suitable footwear, lunch needed

London Dungeons
Meet: Outside Main Hall 8.50am

Return: By 3.15pm
Notes: Lunch needed

Colchester Zoo
Meet: KS3 8.40am

Return: 5pm
Notes: Lunch needed

Meet: Outside Main Hall 9am

Return: 12.50pm
Notes: Towel needed

London Dungeons
Meet: Outside Main Hall 8.50am

Return: By 3.15pm
Notes: Lunch needed

Go Ape PM Session
Meet: Minibus 12.50pm

Return: 4pm
Notes: Wear suitable footwear, lunch needed

Go Ape PM Session
Meet: Minibus 12.50pm

Return: 4pm
Notes: Wear suitable footwear, lunch needed


Whole School Notices

If there is something that a member of staff at Oxted School has done which you are happy with,
please do let them know (

Report a Student Absence

To report a student absence please telephone the attendance line 01883 718707 by 9.00am or as soon as possible thereafter, or email to on each day of absence

End of Term Update - 12/07/24

House Bulletin - 12/07/24 

Flex Week

Students may wear PE uniform for the whole week when in school and own clothes for trips. Please make sure clothing is appropriate for trips, sport and in-school sessions. Any student wearing inappropriate clothing will be required to change and risk missing out on activities.

On days that students are in school, school rules on mobile phones and other devices still apply.  Please bring basic equipment such as pens and pencils etc. Food will only be served from the canteen during this week, students in receipt of free school meals, will continue to receive these for trips. Staff will distribute these before the trip leaves school site.

Please remember to bring sunscreen, hat, wet weather gear (if needed), lunch and plenty of fluids (no fizzy drinks) for trips.  Medication needed should be clearly labelled and checked by a member of staff before the trip leaves.

Expectations for September

We are so proud of the superb performance of our students again this year; through their hard work in lessons and impressive engagement with the huge array of enrichment activities on offer at the school they have achieved a huge amount. As the year draws to a close, I thought it would be useful to remind you of our uniform and equipment expectations at Oxted School, so you have time to replace any missing items for a fresh start in September. 

Our uniform expectations extend to footwear, jewellery, hair, and make-up. All information on our uniform expectations and how to buy / order uniform can be found on our school website here. The Friends of Oxted School continue to stock and sell second-hand uniform, please do get in touch with Claire Kent ( to enquire about any items you are interested in purchasing. Likewise, if you have uniform you would like to contribute to the second-hand uniform supply, we are always grateful for your donations. 

Please remember that: 

  • Our school jumper is an optional part of uniform; however, the blazer is compulsory
  • Trainers or sports branded footwear must not be worn instead of shoes
  • Hoodies are not permitted to be worn at any time
  • Uniform is checked at the start of the day and throughout to support students to maintain a smart appearance while at school 

To aid students with their learning, students are expected to bring the following equipment to school every day: 

  • A blue or black pen
  • A green pen
  • A pencil
  • A ruler
  • A scientific calculator
  • A reading book 

If you are experiencing any financial difficulties which prohibits your child attending with the correct uniform or equipment, please speak to your child’s Year Team. 

Thank you for your continued support with ensuring that your child is correctly dressed and equipped for school, to allow them to fully participate in the full educational offer here at Oxted School. 

Ms C Nicholls, Senior Vice Principal



The vast majority of students have made an excellent start this year and we are delighted that most students’ attendance is looking very positive. We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents of the importance of attendance at school and remind you to please telephone the school to alert us to your child’s absence for every day that they are off. Any days which are not accounted for by you (via telephone or email) will be counted as unauthorised absence.

As per Surrey County Council guidance, we will also issue fixed penalty notices (which can lead to fixed penalty fines) for extended periods of unauthorised absence. Please see the attached letter from Surrey County Council for more information about fixed penalty fines.

If you have any queries regarding attendance at Oxted School, please do contact our attendance team ( or Miss Bergamo, Assistant Principal and Attendance Lead (






HMRC Financial Support for Parents

hmrc financial support for parents teens comms products.pdf